KOFIA is responsible for fostering and training market professionals through its educational arm, the Korea Institute of Financial Investment (KIFIN, www.kifin.or.kr)-previously known as KSTI. KIFIN offers a wide range of training courses on financial markets, with state-of-the-art education programs designed to meet the needs of the industry. KIFIN has developed various mid- to long-term education programs to bring out the full potential of industry professionals.
The diverse range of education programs provided by KIFIN are based on the needs of the industry. These courses are classified into four categories: General Course, Professional Course, Qualification Courses and Global Programs. Furthermore, each course can be segmented into 3 levels according to the level of difficulties; beginner class, intermediary class and expert class. KIFIN has also improved its courses for executives and market professionals from KOFIA member firms. Since its previous incarnation, the KSTI, began offering its online education programs in July 2000. KIFIN has provided around 100 online education programs every year. Almost 100 thousand people enjoy and study the KIFIN’s online programs through KIFIN’s web site and mobile application annually.
KIFIN established a new education center in Busan in 2005, called the Southeastern Region Training Center, to meet the needs of regional professionals in the financial investment industry. The center offers educational opportunities to not only professionals from the southern regions of Korea, but also permits investors to join its student base in order to promote sound investment culture in the region.
KIFIN has developed some of its training programs into the Professional Career Program (PCP) based on the National Competency Standards (NCS). NCS is the standard that the government has established the structure and contents of the knowledge, skills and attributes that are required in each industry. Throughout the PCP, many financial industry professionals could enhance their capabilities.