

KOFIA is incorporated as a membership organization in accordance
with the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act.

Types of Membership

Regular Membership
Licensed financial investment
companies (dealing, brokerage,
collective investment, trust services)
Associate Membership
Registered financial investment companies (discretionary and non-discretionary financial investment advisory services), institutions allowed to be concurrently engaged in investment business
Special Membership
General administration management companies, collective investment vehicle assessment agencies, bond rating agencies, Korea Listed Company Association, KOSDAQ
Listed Companies Association, Korea Securities Depository, and those who wish to join KOFIA and acquire the approval of the Board of Directors

Membership Status

Membership Status
Membership Number of
Regular Members 398 Securities companies, asset management companies, futures companies
150 Investment advisory service providers, banks / local branch offices of foreign
banks, life insurance companies, financial holding companies, securities
finance companies
Special Members 29 General administration management companies, collective investment vehicle
assessment agencies, bond rating agencies, etc.
Total 577